June saw the release of two new books from Active both of which we are chuffed to be doing. Well Worth Fighting For is an inspiring book by two women who spent time in Rojava. My 83 year old Dad thought it was really good! The Over Privileged Human is also written by two women, this time discussing the relationship we have with the non human species on this planet, tis interesting stuff.
We converted a couple of classics into our fave A6 pocket book format, these include Chaz Buffe’s wonderful and timeless 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity and Albert Meltzer’s Arguements for and Against Anarchism. Both oldies but goldies! We pocketsized the infamous Paris 68 text On the Poverty of Student Life how better to look cool on the bus than by taking a copy of this out on your way to attend a strike action! Our Punk and Anarchist Squats in Poland booklet got shrunk too and we reprinted the ever popular God and the State by Bakunin with a slightly rejigged cover. All are now availbale from the best radical outlets in Europe and from PM Press in the US too (or will be soon!)