Winter warners .

We have now done the bright thing of publishing two different texts with effectively the same title; Veganarchism! A genius move, I’m sure it won’t cause any confusion when it comes to ordering! The book version has the full title Veganarchism, Making Veganism and Anarchism Dangerous Again. The pocketbook version is called Veganarchism; Against all oppression, everywhere, all the time. As you can guess its a subject close to our hearts! We have also finally gotten around to reprinting Shariah Don’t Like It..? Punk and Religion in Indonesia and The Punk Ananrchisms of Class Was and Crimethinc both now in cute pocketbook formats. Eat Like it Matters has been reprinted after a 3 year hiatus and Warp and Weft is available again too.

We have renewed our collaboration with the venerable Freedom Press and co-published a new version of Physical Resistance: A Hundred Years of Anti-Fascism by Dave Hann and updated by Lousie Purbrick. This will be launched by Freedom Press in Feburary, check their website for details.